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Coaching SIG

  • 10 September 2018
  • 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
  • Hennepin County Southdale Library, Ethel Berry Room, 7001 York Ave. S., Edina


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September 10, 2018

Topic: Continuous Coaching is Possible with Keyhubs Voice

Location: Hennepin County Southdale Library, Ethel Berry Room, 7001 York Ave. S., Edina

Ever wonder how the people who are working directly with your coaching client are perceiving and being impacted by changes your client is making? Not just at a point-in-time, but on a real-time, continuous basis? What would you think about the opportunity to be in closer and more regular communication with your clients, in addition to weekly or bi-weekly coaching sessions? What if you had a way to easily measure periodic sentiments of your clients, and could capture some “point in time” feedback from them, so that you can encourage them more, or intervene if they seem to be going off track?  What if the teams you are coaching had a way to regularly measure their sentiments over time and use that information to inform their progress and identify the actions they are taking that, if continued, will move them further towards their goals?

Learn how some coaches are going beyond the typical bi-weekly coaching sessions and using Keyhubs Voice to remain connected with their clients on a real-time basis.  Some things just can’t wait, and Keyhubs Voice allows a client to journal, share and receive continuous real-time feedback. Coaches are then better equipped to reach out in the moment and encourage or intervene when their clients need it most.   Note: This is a product demo!

Keyhubs Voice is the product of a (long and winding) 10+ year journey.  Join us as Vikas Narula, Creator and Co-Founder of Keyhubs, shares his story and the intriguing coaching insights stemming from his company’s latest development – Keyhubs Voice.

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